Message Centre
If you recently received a letter from us asking you to send us proof of your identity and address, please see the question and answers section below.
Following the transfer of your policy from Generali to Omnilife, Omnilife is required to complete financial crime prevention measures as expected by the Financial Conduct Authority & the Prudential Regulation Authority. You can find further details about this by clicking here. To enable us to do this we are required to request proof of identity and proof of address.
If we fail to receive anything after 4 weeks, we will be sending a follow-up letter requesting documentation which will be followed up by another letter a month later. We would appreciate your help in the ongoing fight against fraud and financial crime.
If you have any concerns about a request for documentation from a financial company, we recommend you independently find their contact details (either online or from a previous mailing you have received such as a tax certificate), and contact them through that means. They will enable you to verify if the mailing is genuine or not.
To enable us to effectively protect our customers against fraud and financial crime it is important that we verify the identity of everyone associated with a policy. Whilst not providing your documentation at this time will not impact the policy, we will need to receive the documentation should payment of the policy transfer to yourself in the future. Sending us your documentation now will help prevent any possible delays in the future.
The protection of your data is our top priority. Should we receive any original documents we will scan them and return recorded delivery. Any copies of the documents we receive will be scanned and securely disposed of. All documents received and scanned will be subject to our data privacy & security policy which looks to protect your personal data from misuse or loss. A copy of our Privacy Notice with further information can be found at the following link
That will not be necessary, we are happy to accept black and white copies if that’s easier. We just ask that they be of readable quality.
We can accept any bill that is linked to a service provided to your address. This could include electricity, gas, internet, or landline. We cannot accept TV licenses or mobile phone contracts/statements as a utility bill.
Yes, we would be happy to accept a photograph of your photo identity and bank statement which can be emailed to us at Please ensure you also take a photo of your completed return slip so we can link your photographs to your policy. Once you have sent your email, we recommend you securely destroy your return slip.
If you are unable to scan your documents, we can accept photographs of your documents. We would always recommend sending copies of documents where possible to avoid any risk of posts/ emails going missing. However, if you are unable to send us copies, we will be happy to accept original documents. If you send original documents, we will take a copy of them and return them the same day via recorded delivery.
We would always recommend sending copies where possible to avoid any risk of post going missing. However, if you are unable to send us copies, we will be happy to accept original documents. If you send original documents, we will take a copy of them and return them same-day via recorded delivery.
We are sorry for having to send two separate letters. You only need to send one copy but please include both ‘Reply Slips’ in the pre-paid envelope provided so we know to use the documents for all of your policies.
Whilst we strongly advise against sending original documents – we will return any originals received recorded delivery. Unfortunately, we are unable to return any copies of documents received. However, we can confirm they will be scanned onto our systems and the paper copy securely destroyed.
Please can you send the return slip making a note that there is no photo ID available along with the bank statement as requested. Thank you for making us aware.